An insurgent movement is pushing Democrats to back an ambitious climate change solution.  Representative Ocasio-Cortez introduced a House Resolution entitled “The Green New Deal.”  What exactly did it propose? Why was it voted down? Join Mr. David Roberts, energy and environment writer with Vox and Dr. Jason Scorse, Director of the Center for the Blue Economy to discuss the history, basic premise, and politics of the youth-driven Green New Deal.  Location:  Middlebury Institute of International Studies, McCone Building, Irvine Auditorium, 499 Pierce Street, Monterey.   Free, Open to the Public.  Registration Requested.  Website for more info:

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CSMC is an organization of nine Community Action groups and two Regional Projects (community gardens and time banking) in Monterey County. CSMC advocates for land, water, and energy conservation, community gardens, green building ordinances, public transportation, waste reduction, and a localized economy.