Welcome to Citizens for Sustainable Marina (C4SM)

This Month's Events

Twice-monthly Volunteer Broom Bashes

Help Protect Habitat in the Fort Ord National Monument and adjacent areas.  Join Citizens for Sustainable Marina in sweeping out French Broom, one of the most widespread and invasive wildland pest plants in California.

Sweep Out Invasive French Broom!​  

Marina's Future Hilltop Park

As part of the upcoming Marina Hilltop Park project, volunteers help restore a rare California ecosystem to this coastal dune habitat.   

Volunteers will meet on Wednesdays, 5:30 pm to 7 pm at Hilltop Park, 4th Avenue at 9th Street in Marina. 

For more info contact Steve Lee at 831-239-1988 or steve@sl615.com

Read more about the Marina Hilltop Park habitat restoration project in the Monterey Herald’s November 5, 2022 article HERE.

Lapis Road Cleanup

Every Second Sunday of the month 
10 am-12:30 pm

Volunteer community cleanup of 14.4 miles of recreation trails, RR, roads and fence lines on county lands north of Marina.

Meet at 10 am at the southern junction of Lapis Rd. and Del Monte Blvd. (DMB) 1/2 mile north of Beach Rd. roundabout. Look for the C4SM banner and sign-in table.  All supplies provided by Citizens For Sustainable Marina. Pizza served at 12pm.

For more info contact Steve Lee at 831-239-1988 or steve@sl615.com

C4SM's response to an Oak Moth Caterpillar Invasion

Check out the article here: A community response to an Oak Moth Caterpillar Invasion

Pictured to the right: Amelia Forstall and Bruce Delgado search through a Coast Live Oak sapling for oak moth caterpillars. (Luis Melecio-Zambrano, Herald Correspondent)

C4SM and a local Girl Scout troop team up to help the environment.

Citizens for Sustainable Marina (C4SM) and a local Girl Scout troop were in the spotlight recently when they planted 25 Coast Live Oak trees on the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District’s Los Arboles Sports Complex in Marina. 

The girls are partnering with C4SM to fulfill their Bronze Award project requirements. 

Their aim is to raise awareness about environmental issues through their own tree stewardship efforts. They will be responsible for watering and taking care of the trees to make sure they get established and live for possibly hundreds of years.

The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can achieve.

Photo Credit:
Sunset over the Fort Ord National Monument.  
Photo credit: Jesse Pluim, photographer for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
See more of his photography on the BLM Flickr account at