Welcome to Sustainable Seaside
Growing Healthy!
Sustainable Seaside and Sustainable Pacific Grove are joining up to launch a project in 2024 to encourage families to grow their own food at home. The project, Our Families Grow Healthy, is a project that empowers families to take charge of their health, environment, and future, through home gardening.

Learn more about the “Grow Healthy” project by clicking HERE
Join us each Saturday morning in one of nine Seaside neighborhood parks in partnership with Friends of Seaside Parks (FOSPA) and the City of Seaside. Volunteers are invited to help create and maintain pollinator gardens, tend the food gardens, and enhance the parks.

Visit CSMC’s Event Calendar for the schedule and more details about the Saturday Community Gardening Series in Seaside.
Sustainable Seaside Supports the Campus Town project
Sustainable Seaside heartily supports the Campus Town project to be built in Seaside on the former Fort Ord. The project will transform a broad expanse of urban blight into a mixed-use walkable, bikeable, urban village with green spaces, hundreds of affordable housing units, and will bring much-needed jobs to Seaside. We proudly wear our “We ♥ Campus Town” buttons to express our support. It’s Seaside’s Time!