Past Events
2022 Events

B-SAGE thanks all who attended the Earth month live speaker event- “Living with Drought” on 4/14 held at the Big Sur Grange. Big Sur Fire Chief, Matt Harris, gave an informative presentation about drought and fires; crucial climate and environmental issues. Chief Harris explained the fire command system and introduced the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy, a comprehensive document that will definitely be instrumental to guide community action. The information in it will be used by the new Fire Adaptive Coordinator position that is in progress. He also mentioned a program called Firewise USA that
helps communities avoid fires when possible and respond appropriately to them when they do happen. Chief Harris spoke about what Big Sur Fire is doing and the importance of ongoing connection and involvement with the community. Fire data from a historical perspective was presented by Jaci Pappas, representing
Big Sur Historical Society. Did you know that 3 of our 4 biggest fires happened in the last 12 years?
The evening progressed with three breakout groups that focused on the following topics in relation to challenges, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths:
1. Water Conservation (tip: install a 50% valve on water tanks)
2. Fuel Reduction/Disposal (we discussed a Big Sur chipper day)
3. Fire Hardening Homes (metal roofs, stonework and stucco recommended)
There were Big Sur Fire guides that listened to community members and gave input in each breakout session. Thanks to Chief Matt Harris and Firemen, Fabian Perez and Lyle Southall. After these small groups there were reports from each group given to the larger group. This brought forth a lot of questions, discussions, and responses. It became a reality that focusing on the topics mentioned is just the beginning for further exploration. We regret that some of you missed this informative community Earth Day Event as “every day is earth day”! No matter which day an event is planned, we hope to enrich our environmental action.
Jessica Koning & LaVerne McLeod, B-SAGE Co-Coordinators
See the Calendar to find more upcoming events that you can participate in!
Other Past Events
- Showing films at the Grange
- The Outsider Art Show
- Teaming with Captain Cooper Elementary School to paint the recycle bins at the state park
- Gathering signatures for a County-wide ban on plastic bags
- B-SAGE gives the library “Bag It”
- Earth Day celebration in cooperation with local businesses
- Plastic Coalition Booths
- so much more!