Upcoming Events

Monthly Trash Pickups – Please check the calendar for exact locations and times, but trash pickups currently occur on the second Saturday of the month (with the exception of certain holiday weekends). Join us for a fun morning!

Past Events

2023 Summer Break PGHS Sustainable Pacific Grove volunteers.

From May 29th until June 15th, 6 dedicated high school students volunteered with Sustainable Pacific Grove for a combined 62 hours of trash pick-ups for community service credits.  A special thanks to teacher Sofia Snyder for organizing and chaperoning the troops!

Trash observations of the most prolific trash: candy wrappers at the ball fields, cigarette butts at the coast, alcohol and vape cartridges in the bushes near coastal parks and parking areas.


9th grade   – Alyx Columpang, Kyna Kemp, Lucy Mills, Leila Reyes, River Snyder

11th grade – Isis Snyder