Welcome to Sustainable Pacific Grove

Through a variety of activities, Sustainable Pacific Grove educates residents about individual and community behavioral changes that will help mitigate the impact of climate change. 

Some of our initiatives include:

  • Educational presentations
  • Collaborative trash clean ups
  • Collaboration with city government to implement or change City ordinances to become a more sustainable community
  • Tabling at local events
  • Supporting local Farmers’ Market
  • Supporting an active Community Garden
  • Selective fund raising
  • Earth Friendly Households

Resilient Central Coast

Communities for Sustainable Monterey County is teaming up with Resilient Central Coast to help Monterey County “Go Green”.  It’s an engaging, interactive website for individuals, households, and groups to reduce their carbon footprint and build climate resilience. 

Click to learn more!

Every person has the power to act and, if enough people try as a community, we will succeed in limiting climate change.

“If we wait for the government, it will be too late … if we act as individuals, it will be too little … If we act as communities, it might just be enough.”  –  Rob Hopkins


Join the Resilient Central Coast Campaign to:

save money

grow connections

lower emissions

reduce waste

save water

create resilient communities