3 events found.
Butterfly Garden Workday Series in Del Rey Oaks
Del Rey Oaks Butterfly Garden 899 Rosita Rd, Del Rey OaksJoin Sustainable Del Rey Oaks (SDRO) the second Saturday of each month at the Butterfly Garden (next to the Del Rey Oaks Garden Center and the tennis courts). Help tend the pollinator garden and beautify the garden. Bring your family, your gloves, garden hand tools, hat, sunscreen, and a full Read more…
Oak Woodland Community Garden – Saturday Mornings with C4SM
Marina Library 190 seaside circle, MarinaEvery Saturday morning, C4SM is out maintaining our community garden at the Marina Library. Join us as we pull weeds, water out plants, transplant our native plants, paint kindness rocks, go on nature walks, work on projects around the garden, and much more!
Seaside Parks Garden Workday Series
Seaside Parks 986 Hilby Ave, SeasideJoin the Seaside community each Saturday from 10 am to 12 noon at a different Seaside park.