Event FAQs: An Evening of Hope with Paul Hawken
WHO Is Paul Hawken & WHY is the event being held?
Paul Hawken is a visionary, environmentalist, entrepreneur, and best-selling author who has brought to our attention ways in which individuals, communities, business, governments, science and students can come together and take action to regenerate life on earth and reverse global warming. The volunteer and service organizations, Communities for Sustainable Monterey County and Rotary Club of Monterey Cannery Row have collaborated to host this event to inspire, grow local action efforts, and raise funds which will support their respective missions.
WHERE will the event be held?
CSUMB’s LEED-certified Otter Student Union, Bldg. #552 @ 3118 Inter-Garrison Road, Seaside, CA
Map and Directions | California State University Monterey Bay (csumb.edu)
Learn more about the Otter Student Union | California State University Monterey Bay (csumb.edu)
WHERE can I park & will I need a permit?
CSUMB requires everyone one to have a parking permit.
Permits ($5) can be pre-purchased at the following link
Daily Parking Permits (csustan.edu)
Closest Parking available in:
• Lot # 16 (Behind the Otter Student Union)
• Lot #71 (Has an onsite paying station. Takes cash or card)
• Lots #72 (closest) and #16 include disabled parking spots.
Note: One can purchase multiple permits and receive the PDFs to send to another and/or to print.
WHEN are the different event program activities scheduled?
On Wednesday, October 25th
4:00 P.M. Doors open. Guests are invited to visit the Gallery and enjoy social time:
Local Action & Inspiration Gallery – The Gallery will showcase the incredible work that the event hosts and sponsors are doing and supporting locally, regionally and even globally towards solutions addressing climate change, resource conservation and sustainable communities. There will be an opportunity to learn how you can participate in these local efforts.
Silent Auction – Bid on items and experiences which will add to your sustainable lifestyle and/or get you out into the Central Coast to experience nature, adventures, and eco-friendly tours.
4:00 – 5:00 P.M. VIP Reception (Invitation only)
5:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M Paul Hawken Presentation, followed by Q&A
Is there anything else I should know?
No Recordings or Photography.
Refunds will not be available, however tickets are transferable.

Event Info: 831-275-3113
Press: Contact Alison Kerr 831-521-9335
Communities for Sustainable Monterey County (CSMC)
Cathy Rivera @ rivera.cathy@gmail.com
Rotary Club of Monterey Cannery Row (RCMCR)
Peter Skinner @ peter@skinner.to
Regeneration offers a visionary new approach to climate change, one that weaves justice, climate, biodiversity, equity, and human dignity into a seamless tapestry of action, policy, and transformation that can end the climate crisis in one generation.
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